Learn Laravel in this interactive training course and discover the ecosystem of the framework and the tools that come with it. Boost and scale your web applications with this hands-on training course.

Goal of this training course

After this training course you will know how to build web applications with Laravel, extend its functionality through its modules and distribute your applications with Laravel tools and services.


This course is designed for people who have a solid foundation in the PHP language and OOP, and have successfully created complex PHP web applications. 

Duration & course outline

This is a 2-day training course (12h) which will cover the following subjects:

Course Introduction Eloquent ORM
Service Containers and Providers Security
Facades Artisan Console
Routing, Controllers and Views Homestead and Valet
Error Handling Testing


€ 950,00 per person

Class format & requirements

This training course will be given on-site. Participants should have a computer pre-installed with PHP 8.x, MySQL 8.x (or similar) and optionally Apache 2.4 (or similar). Code samples and exercises will be provided during the training course.