A step-by-step guide to improving the performance and scalability of your PHP based applications, not just on code level, but more importantly in the larger PHP ecosystem. We’ll discuss caching (why ? how ? how NOT ?), web architecture, the importance of web stack choices (incl. alternatives to the LAMP stack), web and database server configuration, sharding, tuning and a lot more.
This is a 2-day training course (14h) which will cover the following subjects :
- What is scalability ?
- Performance vs scalability
- Caching
- What ?
- How ?
- When ?
- Avoiding caching pitfalls (stampeding, …)
- Web architecture 101
- Web stack choices
- Offloading your DB
- Database sharding
- SQL or NoSQL
- Load balancing front and backend
- Tuning your stack
- Network tuning – how small changes can make 200% difference
- and much more
€ 950 per person
Class format & requirements
This is a classroom training course. Participants should have a computer (preferably with a fixed ethernet port) and root/administrative access in order to install tools that will be used during the training course.